Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Drive Angry Separuh Gagal (SPOILER ALERT!!!)

Drive Angry poster (Courtesy of ShockTillYouDrop)
Ok. Tadi aku keluar dgn housemate tengok wayang. Kitorang dress up ala2 orang korperat & designer hi class semata2 nak tengok wayang. Kasi orang2 yang bekerja tu menyirap je tengok, ye lah, office hour tapi tengok wayang. HAHAHA. Well, nobody exactly noticed us. Heee

Nak dijadikan cerita, kitorang nak tengok "172 Hours" tapi next viewing was at 6 pm. WTF am i gonna do for another 2 hours before the movie started? So, we changed to an earlier movie, Drive Angry. Fyi, we were looking forward to this movie to come out, tak lain dan tak bukan hanya sebab ada Amber Heard!!! Hot ass Hollywood actress!!! Woot

Tapi since kitorang makan dulu maka termasuk lambat 10 minit. Tapi tade hal lah. Tengok la cerita tu. Aku mula mendiamkan handphone aku. Kerusi banyak gile kosong. Aku tak duduk kat seat aku pun tapi cari seat lain yang kat seat depan tu tade orang, so I can put my lazy rude foot on the front seats. Empty seats FTW!

Let's start with the movie review shall we. Senang je,

1_IT"S JUST ANOTHER DEMONIC ANGELIC WITH AN EXPOSURE OF MAT SALEH PUNYA HELL WTV SHYT! Aku sumpah bosan cerita2 macam ni. How did I NOT notice that the main actor was Nicolas Cage? Dia tak habis2 berlakon cerita puja2 setan lately (Sorcerer's Apprentice, Season of The Witch). Jadi, dengan poster dan trailer cerita ni aku mengharapkan ia adalah sebijik cerita aksi ala2 zaman Face Off atau Con Air dulu tu. How I missed those days.
Oh ya, aku ni tak suka baca sinopsis cerita bila nak tengok sesuatu movie tu. Konon2 surprise untuk diri sendiri. Hihihi

2_Another thing, cerita ni last2 baru ada huge special effects but tey were too cheesy!!! I mean why was that supposed to happen in a 2011 movie??? Bikin gwa panas lah. Aircond wayang sejuk gile pun tak dapar menampung kepanasan aku. Grrrrr. The movie was tacky (bak kata roomate aku) and I couldn't agree more.

3_Tapi apa2 pun cerita dia agak okay la sebab banyak close-up Amber Heard. Wohoooo!!! 

Dah2 cukup lah spoiler untuk movie ni. HAHAHA. Kalau korang peminat Nicolas Cage hmm pergi lah menonton sendiri movie tu ya. Good luck!

Oh ya ada nasihat nak kasi. Never watch action movie or any movie after two weeks of viewing in any cinema! Bukan sebab kualiti gambar calar2 tapi sebab banyak gile CENSORED!!! Adegan romen dan darah2 habis kena potong. Lu langsi ka ha?

Ok, panjang bebel. Ini pendapat aku, pendapat korang?

Amios Adigos!


Myesarah Halim said...

okay ni pendapat aku (hee aku :P)

eeee tipu gilaaa. best nak mampus kottt! and the guy yang selalu baling2 coin tu cool gila that i can't stop thinking about him!

and plus, the effect was supposed to be cheesy. that's the whole point of it lagipun. :D

err alamak kenapa macam nak carik gaduh pulak ni. hee hai eddy. :B

d' Mekdy said...

ah kau mmg nak cari gadoh je keje! hahaha ;p

tade lah. kita da tgk trailer and meletakkan harapan tinggi, tu yg agak sedih. tapi no doubt elemen cool mmg byk.

ni lah akibat terlampau meletakkan harapan yg tinggi *sigh*

anyways, kicking ass scenes dlm movie tu mmg terbaik! hahaha. oh ye, g baling koin tu pun best, sbb muka dia cool je. tapi lain2 tu as i mentioned above lah. nyehhhh

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