Sunday, 3 April 2011

In The Eyes of Android, iPhone & Blackberry Users

This is how you look if you own an Android phone, iPhone or Blackberry! Question: Which one is the lamest? HAHAHA. And, whoever created the phrase, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is awesome! LOL

Thanks Google Images & AndroidAndMe
So, which one are you?


♥ juhairah ♥ said...

Heehe.. Aku penah tgk ni mek. Mmg lawok. Yg dinasour tu paling lawok haha

d' Mekdy said...

hehe aku 1st time tgk, member aku la yg bgtau. smangat aku gugel. hahaha
kennnn. taleh blah la tetibe muncul dinosaur. WAKAKAKAKA. kau jgn jadi mcm black witch tu dah le ;p

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